1. Academic skills :
Author: Sarah Philpot and Lesley Curnick ; series editors, Liz and John Soars.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Foreign speakers.,English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers.,Study skills.

2. Persian in international relations and foreign policy :
Author: Mohamad Esmaili-Sardari, Daria Mizza.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Diplomacy-- Language.,International relations-- Language.,Persian language-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- English speakers.,Persian language, Textbooks for foreign speakers-- English.,Rhetoric-- Political aspects-- Iran.,Diplomacy-- Language.,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / General,International relations-- Language.,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / General,Persian language.,Rhetoric-- Political aspects.,Iran., 7
Classification :

3. Study skills
Author: / Compiled by Ramin Akbari, Akbar Mirhassani
Library: Comprehensive Library of Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya Society (Qom)
Subject: Study skills -- Study and teaching (Higher education),English language - Textbooks for foreign speakers
Classification :

4. The international student's guide :
Author: Ricky Lowes, Helen Peters and Marie Turner.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: College student orientation-- Great Britain.,English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.,English language, Textbooks for foreign speakers.,Students, Foreign-- Great Britain.,Study skills, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Study skills.,College student orientation.,EDUCATION-- Higher.,English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.,English language.,Students, Foreign.,Study skills.,Great Britain., 7
Classification :